Game Rules
Tennis Ball
Rules of the Game
The game takes place on a flat surface outdoors or indoors. Its dimensions are: (IFTA Rules)
- Land: 18 m * 9m (volleyball) for double and triple and 12m80 8m * 20 (square-service tennis) so simple.
- Net: Volley generally carried by patterns of height at 1m10 (+ / - 2cm) whose base is at least 20cm of soil.
- The engagement area is bounded by a line drawn at 6m40 net (square tennis serve). It is full of double and triple and split in two for simple services (Crusaders).
-lines are 5cm wide and are part of the land.
Land Size and net
The Tennis Ball is played with a soccer ball (size No. 5). Balloons dedicated tennis-ball are manufactured in the Czech Republic by the brand GALA .
These are the official balls at all international competitions. They are lighter and more elastic than conventional footballs.
To determine whether the couple land / ball is good for tennis-ball there is an official test: release the ball valve upwards, a height of 1m, the test is validated if the first bounce is at a height of between 66 and 72 cm.
The Tennis Ball can be played in single, double or triple. The rules are very similar to volleyball, with some differences of course:
- the ball can be hit by all parts of the body except the arms and hands.
- the ball can be played directly or team may touch the ball up 3 times in total (except for singles where you can touch the ball only 2 times).
- the ball can not touch the ground only twice between two keys Ball (exept for singles where the ball can not touch the ground only once). Kickback should always take place in the field.
- a player is entitled to 2 touches on the ball but not in succession (except singles).
- it is a foul when the ball hits the ground (full circle) off the field.
- it is a foul when a player touches the net intentionally or not, even after a point has been scored.
- if the opponents simultaneously touch the net, the point is replayed.
- it is allowed to counter the opponent over the net with all parts of the body except the arms and hands.
- where two opponents touching the ball simultaneously above the net and the ball goes out of bounds, the point is replayed.
- it is forbidden to touch the opponent.
- the game continues when two opponents simultaneously touch the ball over the net (blocking), so the players concerned have the right to run the next ball button.
- the ball must be touched before going in the opposite camp. (You can score a point by playing the ball into the opponent's leg while passing over the net)
- the ball must pass over the net between the fault and mires.Il are not lost when the ball reaches the opponents by passing outside test patterns.
- commitment from the foot behind the baseline, following on the ground.
- at the beginning of the game, right in the first commitment is drawn.
- then the commitment is made by the team that wins the point.
- the name of the player taking the throw is free.
- the player can stand anywhere behind the end line on the ground.
- the ball must pass over the net and must touch the ground in the area of engagement of the opponent. After touchdown, the ball can go out directly on the side of the field.
- the ball of commitment can not be played until after it has bounced once on the ground (if it touches the ground 2 times, the point is won by the team that commits).
- if the ball touches the net and the soil in the area of engagement, the game continues.
- in all other cases there is lack of commitment and not lost.
- lost points are credited to the opponent. To score a point, do not necessarily have the service.
- one set is played to 11 points with at least 2 points difference, a match in 2 sets winners. (In some tournaments this rule can be adapted. For example, a match can be played in a given time and the winning team is the one that has the highest number of points after the time limit.)
- the server must use crossover. If his point total staff is even, then it is right, otherwise it is left.
- the player has the right to a rebound in his camp.
- the player can not touch the ball only 2 times before returning the ball in the other camp.
- the rest of the rules is the same as for the game in duplicate or triplicate.
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