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The Swiss is the final destination of wealth from RAHMANI
of wrongdoing operations conducted by Mr. Cherif Rahmani .
examination and as an example of two types of cases will suffice to establish the truth
Huge amounts of money (much of it is transported physically from family and RAHMANI smugglers known in the entourage of Mr. Cherif Rahmani ) collected diversion, embezzlement and income-generating activities are then assigned to specialists in this kind of operation:
- HENRY COHEN : Rue du Rhone GENEVA 29.1204 . Tel: 022 781 43 33
- HENRY COHEN: GITRATEX rueRobert SA-DE-Traz 7, 1206 GENEVA . Tel: 022 347 19 April
- PHILLIP COHEN : Avenue Kreig 7.1208 GENEVA . Tel: 022 346 99 00
- RICHA STONE: DEXTIMA SA Council Place Philosophers 10, 1205 GENEVA Tel: 022 304 15 15
Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le has invested much of the illicit money détournemnts collected in a holding company specializing in very lucrative areas: Building Finance, Studies and Consulting .
to launder money, Mr. Cherif Rahmani and his partner Zaidi LALIOUI generously poured money into the Swiss company "COFFOR SERVICE SA and its subsidiary " POLYFINANCE COFFOR HOLDING SA
"COFFOR SERVICE SA : Street Chantepoulet 21.1201
This company has subsidiaries in France and Spain is led by the family Mesic.
Omar MEDERREG represents the interests of Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le within "COFFOR SERVICE SA and its subsidiary " POLYFINANCE COFFOR HOLDING SA
(see php) .
Omar MEDERREG is Delegate General in Algeria "COFFOR SERVICE SA is solely responsible for this foreign company and Algeria, coincidentally, is the only country that has a delegate in this company? but Omar MEDERREG is that the partner's family Mr. Chérif Rahmani Minister in several companies:
Exp 1: PLOYFINANCE ALGERIA: 29 avenue Benboulaid ALGIERS PORT , it is associated with Mokhtar RAHMANI son of e Mr. Chérif Rahmani Minister (see Part II and the documents of this part)
Exp 2: SOCE: Control Society and expertise
51 Quoted WOOD CARS Dely Brahim 16032 Tel: 021 36 March 1999
Tel: 021 36 57 89 Tel: 077 94 09 51.
This address is also home to the engineering "VERITEX" specializes in all environmental studies and diagnostic companies, business valuation for privatization . is a curious coincidence that the area of activity of this company is one of the area of ministry that leads Mr. Chérif Rahmani Minister .
THE REST OF THE CAPITAL OF M.le Minister Cherif Rahmani will be a sequel.