Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Aebleskivers Pan Substitute

from January 2010, revelations of wrongdoing SULPHUROUS INDÉDITES BY M. Cherif RAHMANI


Mr. Chérif Rahmani boasts of be immune from any prosecution
Algeria and abroad, where it relies on a network of personalities (artists, politicians, movie stars and sports ...). We'll put it on the news blog
sensational revelations and analyze the content (information and documents) of the blog highlighting mechanisms, processes, actors and the extent of wrongdoing Mr. Chérif Rahmani Minister .
Many NGOs, and Internet users want to know more about what we can call EMPIRE RAHMANI .
We are going to discuss in detail, with supporting documentation, how M.le Minister Sharif Rahmani exploits the Algerian justice system uses OPGI whose direction is still in its orders as to the time of the GGA and make Appeal to his friend notary (president of a major parliamentary committee) to establish true false documents.

Part of forthcoming publications will be reserved for articles printed and electronic media and prosecution of foreign lawyers that think they can take place in foreign courts for the harm caused by Mr. Cherif Rahmani well beyond Algeria.

Mr. Chérif Rahmani Minister , who comes to seek a great personality of the French media for his address book in order to promote (the person and only person) tourism in southern Algeria , will use his close ties to lobbyists French (some of whose leaders currently in trouble with the French court) to repair its image . This