Defining electronic records? Hm hm
, here's a good question
and already starting to run
lot of bits! I have the opportunity to reflect regularly these days and so I can excuse myself to meet this challenge ...
You can not really dispute the definition of AFNOR cited by Archives Online, as it is general. If I were to create a definition, then I would go there but my definition would emphasize two points:
1. Electronic archiving is (to be) an ongoing process that engages the creation of the data and continues throughout its entire life cycle (and beyond).
For me, one of the Gordian knot of the problem lies in the question of the distinction between continuity and a hand information systems implemented in many institutions with a greater or less taken into account the constraints of MR and / or long-term archiving - SI which often include aspects of EDM, information management, risk management, etc.. and projects are protean - and the electronic archiving platforms that are beginning to set up archives on the other. In most cases I've seen so far, there is concern about one or the other but rarely both simultaneously.
The SEDA (data exchange standard for archiving) is one of the gateways that must ensure continuity and consistency between the two stages. It starts to spread and so much better. But it is also necessary that the archives are technically able to ensure data retention and paid ...
2. Electronic archiving is protean, a kind of mirror ball which each mirror is an essential component of the whole.
To be functional, a project of electronic archiving can in fact omit any aspect. It is imperative to take into account issues of access rights management, electronic signature or validation, metadata, format, migration, technical resources (servers, data replication, etc..), Etc.. and all this at the design of the system. I tend to think that the paper allows much more flexibility in terms of process as electronics ...
When we said this and built this whole concept of archiving electronics, it is inevitable that questions arise about our archival principles (theory of three ages, skills of the archivist, etc.). I have no doubt the opportunity to address here.
There, I said! Sorry for the long chat which is the exact opposite of a definition which, as everyone knows is a " formula by which we define a thing" ( Dictionary of the French Academy , 8th ed.).