Thursday, April 23, 2009

Friends Forever Picnik Quotes

exposure model

few posts at this time, lack of inspiration and material, it's more that I feel far from the archives. But do not worry, I'm going on stage in a big month and I intend to catch me!

This quick post to tell you a pretty good exposure, away from blockbusters Warholian, calderiens and others: The first altarpieces (twelfth - early XVth) the Louvre. Exposure model to return to the fundamentals of exposure, which I feel they are more often overlooked in favor of grandiose and Performing:
  • pedagogy: it really stands out having learned something and understood. The texts are in my opinion a true success, as cartels - developed just right;
  • scientific interest and the rigor of the fit;
  • observation: the balance between text and works to sharpen the observational skills of visitors without discouraging;
  • the number of works: this is a show case so voluntarily restricted. However, the number of works is sufficient to illustrate this and that we can appreciate each;
  • scenography discreet and sober, it never forgets it is there primarily to serve the works and is therefore perfectly in value. Ditto for lighting.
Only criticism: the geographic location of the exhibition in the museum - on the mezzanine floor of the Richelieu wing - in a sort of corridor where the passage is important. But even this drawback, the commissioners were able to play because the course of the exhibition is very clear.

You'll understand that I am conquered. If you like a bit of the Middle Ages and carved figures, please! Visit gives a breath of fresh air after the bling-bling and the Warhol crowd of An image can hide another .


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