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Pour better understand the setup used by Mr. Cherif Rahmani for creating Real Estate Companies, a examan of attached documents is necessary
Part of the fortune Mr. Chérif Rahmani is, invested in France, the estate of French cities and neighborhoods chic PARIS such as the 8th, 9th and 16th. Of SCI (Société Civile Immobilière) were created on behalf of his wife Zoubida BENTAHAR with the help of her sister (step sister of Mr. Chérif Rahmani ) Aida BENTAHAR and other nominees. An examination of two SCI enough to have a idea on a small portion of properties in France by Mr. Cherif Rahmani :
- Registered Office: 23-25 rue SINGER
75016 PARIS - Trade Register of Companies: PARIS 412 189 754 (97 D 22 28)
- Registered in the Commercial Court of Paris on 29 / 07 / 1997
- Filing number: 12437
Assets acquired through the SCI are:
- an apartment of 84 m2 , at 23 rue SINGER 75016 PARIS , register ref No: CI0094
- 31 m2 apartment at 13 rue des SABLONS 75016 PARIS register ref No: DW0106
-apartment 20 m2 , at 23 rue SINGER 75016 PARIS register ref No: CI0094
-local 20 m2, at 23 rue SINGER 75016 PARIS register ref No: CI0094
- a plot of AC 12a 9, at 23 rue SINGER 75016 PARIS No ref register : CI 94
- other apartments and local at 25 rue Singer 75016 PARIS
The SCI was established on 07.04.1997 by two nominees:
- Mr. Ryda BEDJEDIET employee Zaidi LALIOUI friend and associate of Mr. Cherif Rahmani
born: 02 / 05 / 1975 BOURGES
Nationality: French
residing at 12 square the Prémontiére 92200 BAGNEUX
- Mr. ALI-MOUSSA Benyoucef , henchman Mr. Chérif Rahmani
born: February 19, 1936 to: EL HAD Teniet TISSIMSILT
of Nationality: Algerian residing in
: City BENACHOUR Abdelkader No. 8 Cheraga TIPAZA ALGERIA
Mr. Ryda BEDJEDIET was appointed manager with 2 (two) shares and Mr. Benyoucef BENALI-MOUSSA (representing Mr. Cherif Rahmani of ) with 98 shares
The February 5, 2002 Mr. Ryda BEDJEDIET sold the two (2) units at the
beautiful sister of Mr. Cherif Rahmani Aida BENTAHAR daughter of Bashir bin Messaoud and KACIMI Zouina bent Ahmed
born November 5, 1946 in Bordj Bou Arreridj
married: ALI MOULAI Abdelkader on: May 18, 1978 in France
divorced on: March 10, 1980 in France
Nationality: Algerian
residing at: 21 Fg des Martyrs 34000 Bordj Bou Arreridj
: 30 rue Brother MESLEM ALGER in Rahman
Holder of passport No. 267 26 56 issued by the Governor of Greater Algiers Mr. Chérif Rahmani June 1, 1999 valid until 31 May 2004
The February 11, 2002 Mr. Benyoucef BENALI-cedes MOUSSA:
- 96 shares to Ms. Aida BENTHAR beautiful sister Mr. Chérif Rahmani
- two shares Zoubida BENTAHAR wife of Mr. Cherif Rahmani daughter of Bashir and Ben Messaoud Ahmed KACIMI Zouina bent
born December 6, 1952 in Bordj Bou Arreridj
of Nationality: Algerian
residing at: 30 rue brothers MESLEM ALGIERS
Aida BENTAHAR becomes owner of 98 shares (2 + 96 shares) and Zoubida BENTAHAR 2 shares.
SCI becomes proproété of BENTAHAR Aida and her sister Mrs. Zubaida BENTAHAR wife of Mr. Cherif Rahmani
On March 4, 2002 Aida BENTAHAR ceded 97 shares to his sister Mrs. Zubaida BENTAHAR Mr. Cherif Rahmani's wife .
SCI, 23 rue Singer 75016 PARIS falls into the hands of Zoubida BENTAHAR and her husband, Mr. Cherif Rahmani with 99 units (his sister Aida BENTAHAR retains only a part of form).
Both nominees and Mrs. Ryda BEDJEDIET Benyoucef BENALI-MOUSSA played well their role for Mr. Cherif Rahmani is proprietary, legally and without taking any risk, real estate, which cost about 4 million euros (400 million Algerian dinars = 40 Billion cents) , IT IS THE ORIGIN OF MONEY TO FINANCE THE ACQUISITION OF SUCH GOODS
- Registered Office: 6 rue Lekain
75016 Paris - the Companies Registry: Paris 438 368 318 (01D 22 93)
- Property acquired by the SCI are several apartments and local lots 44 and 66 division of the building at 6 rue Lekain 75016 Paris. The SCI is
Created: June 6, 2001 by:
1) the beautiful sister of Mr. Cherif Rahmani Aida BENTAHAR daughter of Bashir and Ben Messaoud Ahmed KACIMI Zouina bent.
- Born: November 5, 1946 to: Bordj Bou Arreridj
- Married to: ALI MOULAI Abdelkader on: May 18, 1978: France
- divorced on: March 10, 1980: France
- Nationality: Algerian
- remain at: 21 Fg Martyrs 34000 Bordj Bou Arreridj
30 rue Frères Meslem
ALGIERS - holder of passport No: 267 26 56 issued by: the Governor of Greater Algiers ( Mr. Chérif Rahmani ): 1st June 1999 valid until: May 31, 2004.
2) nominee Mr. Mouloud BELABED
- born: September 15, 1958 to: Sougueur
- Married to: Louiza BEHTHIAN on: September 26, 1986 to:
ALGIERS - Nationality: Algerian
- residing at 15 Rue St Quentin 75010 Paris
- holder of the Certificate of Residence No: 7500001606, issued by:
the Prefecture of Police in Paris on: May 19, 1999, valid until: May 18, 2009
Aida BENTAHAR has 950 shares and M . Mouloud BELABED 50 shares.
February 7, 2003 : Ms. Aida
BENTAHAR ceded 949 shares to his sister Zoubida BENTAHAR wife of Mr. Cherif Rahmani .. Mr. Mouloud
BELABED sold all his shares (50 units) to
Zoubida BENTAHAR wife of Mr. Cherif Rahmani .
Zoubida BENTAHAR wife of Mr. Cherif Rahmani becomes owner of 999 shares / 1000 and property of the SCI that cost millions of euros become the property of Zoubida BENTAHAR her husband and Mr. Sharif RAHMANI .
September 24, 2004 the two merged to SCI One SCI "FOR MM"
whose registered office is at 6 rue Lekain 75016 Paris.
Mr. Cherif Rahmani has other properties in other neighborhoods chic PARIS:
ex: 30 rue MIROMESNIL 75008 PARIS.
Note that each letter of the abbreviated name
SCI "FOR MM" is the first letter of names of children
Mr. Chérif Rahmani : F = Fella, O = Umm Nail , M = Mokhtar, M = Mahdi.
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