Sunday, February 1, 2009

Nightser Plate 60318-07



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Thanks to everyone for their comments but I want to clarify that:

1 - which is published today on embezzlement and squandering of assets State by Mr. Cherif Rahmani is nothing compared to what has been said there are over 8 years by the President of the Republic M . Abdelaziz Bouteflika when he sacked the Governor Mr. Cherif Rahmani Minister , everyone can see his statement on Mr. Cherif Rahmani before the world media
is it conceivable for a moment that Mr. Bouteflika said anything? obviously not

2 - I have no links or even remotely near or with OUYAHIA or with BOUTEFLIKA or with another politician and except Mr. Cherif Rahmani and his henchmen I n 've never had a problem, whatever its nature with anyone in Algeria and in particular with political, military or culturelles.Depuis over 2 years Mr. Chérif Rahmani has use his position to put up with me "hogra" denied in its extreme, because from his henchmen, is the fate of one who dares say no to future PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC . What is required to defend the attack others simply because they hold positions of responsibility at the top del'Etat? I have a problem not only with Mr. Chérif Rahmani
Does defense becomes abnormal posture which leads some to think that I am a handler or an officer of DRS? I think this is the extreme weakness of one who lacks to justify what is incacceptable is the case of Mr. Chérif Rahmani . .
it is clear I have an account to settle to anyone except to defend myself by all legal means at my disposal

3-I belong and I've never belonged to any political party or to a service or a body del'Etat .. Besides, I could not even pass the national service as many Algerians.

4 - documents published in this blog are authentic and that if there was any false, Mr. Cherif Rahmani has any interest to attack me for defamation, forgery and forgery. Mr. Chérif Rahmani knows that all this is true because he tried to help post on the website WIKIO.FR
October 8, 2008 by threatening to file a complaint with the contents of this mail I received:

Your contributions Wikio
From: Wikio (
Posted: Wed 08 / 08/10 8:08


Your contributions concerning Mr. Cherif Rahmani were removed following a complaint. We ask you to stop publishing the text on it or we will be forced to permanently delete your account. We appreciate the attention you have brought to our request.



RE: Your contributions in Wikio
From: Wikio (
Sent: Mon 10/13/2008 2:18 p.m.
To: (


We just delete your account because you have not met our request not to publish an article on that person and following a new complaint against you.

Any new item to this topic and in any pseudo whatsoever will be deleted immediately.


We do not do that for a simple noise pavement.

5 - I am a responsible person and I informed all senior officials and Algerian this story because it is true and my fight is just.

6 - my history with Mr. Chérif Rahmani not stop until my property continues to be busy, and has been for over 2 years illegally by the brother and friends of Mr. Sharif RAHMANI they have turned into parking for car free trade register or authorization and as death threats, intimidation and all that I ert my family have suffered from the henchmen of Mr. Chérif Rahmani did not end. I will detail it in future editions with documents to apui

7 - I give you the promise publish, where appropriate, all my correspondancesavec:

- THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, Mr. Head of Government, Mrs. ministers, Mrs. chairs of the NPC, Senate , the Constitutional Council, the Audit Court, the High Court, the High Islamic Council, and Mr. Secretary General of the National Organization of the Mujahideen and all ambassadors Algeria's foreign and the rest of Algerian senior officials.
- Algerian executives from all sectors, with friendly personalities Algeria.
- with the Arabic-speaking and French-Algerian press.
- international NGOs Defence of Human Rights and fight against corruption.
- international personalities, leaders of Arab countries, MEPs because the men of Mr. Chérif Rahmani often like to repeat myself that we can do anything " the regime's strong man" .

8 - on some players who try to inject doubt in me determining Kabyle as I tell them I'm not Kabyle and if that were the case, then attention to that kind of feeling unworthy of an Algerian, as 27 European nations different from each other have built a vast country which is the Europe and the U.S. have elected a black as president and we have not even come to support our brothers that is offensive, it is revolting and painful it is very dangerous for all Algerians without exception.


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