In France, Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le has Business ,
Civil Societies Estate (without the two S. C. I on behalf of his wife Zoubida BENTAHAR : see Part III of this blog) hotels whose management is entrusted to:
- l eternal partner LALIOUI Zaidi and his family.
- members of her husband's family BENTAHAR 's nephew and cousin of Zoubida BENTAHAR wife of Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le .
- members of the family Mouheb (Mouhab) which are members of Cherif Rahmani Minister M.le in Algeria in many cases (see Part II of this blog).
- nominees: CHIBANI, Djouadi, BELABED ,......
Just read the attached documents for details on this
network of companies. It is very important to know that:
1) turnover of these companies (excluding hotels and Real Estate Companies) told the French tax authorities is the order of 16 million euros (176 Billion cent) while the actual turnover is around for all these companies 36 million euros (400 billion cent) .
2) the company on behalf of ITD Sofia LALIOUI daughter of Mr. Zaidi LALIOUI was used in many business transactions with Algerian Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le where large sums of money for the benefit of Mr. Minister Cherif Rahmani
were transferred from Algeria to abroad (France and Switzerland, ....). Just look at its turnover reported since its inception in 2005 until ra strike in 2007 that more than 10 million euros (110 billion centimes) left Algeria via this company. Almost all companies Cherif Rahmani Minister M.le have benefited from this coverage offered by ITD (International Trading Development).
3) firms MBS (in France) and SERAL (Algeria) require the questioning of the weird similarity of activity they are mainly managed by both Mr. Zahir Mouheb (see Part III of this blog). It is obvious that these two companies are also used to transfer a lot of money and make other arrangements.
4) the French company "THE FRENCH METAL"
also managed by Mr. Zahir had allowed Mouheb M . Minister Cherif Rahmani significant financial flows.
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We have already discussed (Part III of this blog) the properties
Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le and his wife Zoubida BENTAHAR
in Paris and here is more:
- S. C. I Mill Road:
manager: Mr Zaidi LALIOUI
address: 27 Rue Chemin du Moulin 91350 GRIGNY.
SCR No.: 34 96 24 502.
the SC I manages 15 properties (house, apartment, premises, building land) valued at 7 million euros ( 77 billion centimes ) 3 apartments which are situated in the fashionable district of Paris 16th [see attached documents]
manager: Mr. Zaidi LALIOUI
Address: 21 rue Chevreul 94240 L'Hay les Roses.
SCR No.: 49 87 89 361.
She manages a flag at the same address and one at 46 rue Pierre
Mendes France 91380 Chilly Mazarin and the value of such property is estimated at 1 million euros (11 billion centimes) [see document attached].
- SCI 4 / 5 rue Berthelot
Manager: Sofia LALIOUI
address: 4 / 5 rue Berthelot 94800 Villejuif
SCR No.: 43 39 69 565. [See attached document].
Manager: Ms. Fatiha LALIOUI MEZIANE born wife Zaidi LALIOUI
address: 120 Rue Camille Groult 94400 VITRY SUR SEINE
SCR No.: 49 37 56 886. [See attached documents].
Manager: Abderrahmane LALIOUI nephew Zaidi LALIOUI
address: 34 Driveway of the Four Tops 91170 Viry Chatillon
SCR No.: 48 36 77 431 [see documents attached].
manager: Kamel Mouheb
address: 9 rue Henri Barbusse 94340 JOINVILLE BRIDGE
SCR No.: 48 09 43 521 [see attached documents].
manager: Abdelkader Djouadi
address: 23 Avenue du General de Gaulle 94500 Champigny sur Marne
SCR No.: 44 24 18 331 [see attached documents].
manager: Abdelkader Djouadi and Zahir Mouheb
Address: 92 Avenue Jack Gourevitch 94500 Champigny sur Marne.
SCR No.: 50 18 94 638 [see attached documents].
manager: Hacene CHIBANI
address: 59 of REU Maraichers 75020 Paris.
SCR No.: 44 17 92 918 [see attached documents].
manager: Hacene CHIBANI and Mrs. Fatat CHIBANI Djafer born.
address: 66 Avenue Paul Vaillant Couturier, 93120 La Courneuve.
SCR No.: 45 00 55 876 [see attached documents].
- EUROMU 54:
manager: Mabrouk LALIOUI
address: 20 Rue Guy Moquet 95140 GARGES THE GONESSE.
SCR No.: 48 02 67 277 [see attached documents].
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Principal Hotel is managed by both Zaidi LALIOUI and Hacene CHIBANI his name: Hotel Company of New World
located at 98 rue Clery 75002 Paris RCS No: 58 21 07 371 its value is around 4 Millios euros (44 billion centimes) .
Mr. Hacène CHIBANI former employee of AIR ALGERIE
is associated with Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le in the hotel at 59 rue des maraichers 75020 Paris whose value is estimated at 1.2 Million euros (13 billion and 200 million centimes) and part of the SCI THE MARAICHERS (see above) [see attached documents].
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