Y having made a short visit this afternoon, I can excuse myself to touch you two words of the LAC Preservation Centre (Library and Archives Canada), the principal place of conservation of the Canadian national archives. Just as the functions of an archivist and curator (who manage both the "authority" issues of preventive conservation and restoration) are very distinct here 1, 2 buildings LAC reflect this dichotomy: Archivists therefore work here (we are in the suburbs of Ottawa, Gatineau, approx. 20 km from downtown)
and documents are kept here (100 m from the previous building, we see the first photo):
As readers (called "clients"), they consult the documents brought by truck at 395 Wellington Street in downtown Ottawa.
Here I will discuss the preservation center (a concept which is tantamount to our preventive conservation) a splendid dome of glass and steel covering a huge block of concrete in which documents are stored. This building was opened in 1998 and what struck me first is its modernity almost 12 years and not a wrinkle ...
Great Fieret LAC (and rightly), the building was designed in close collaboration with archivists, and this down to the smallest detail. It was the impression of approaching the archive building ideal fully externalized lines (you can see the pipes out to the left of the building if you look closely at my bad photo), walls and floors completely sealed and fireproof, ventilation hatches ingenious, slightly sloping floors with evacuation in the event of water damage, stores (storage vaults they say here) at different temperatures and humidity levels for different types of Documents with sas heating / cooling progressive, metal shelving and fully dimensioned specially according to the documents (finished large format and plans beyond warped), etc.. etc.. The list is too long but I have the impression that nothing has been left to chance.
But that's not all! Above the concrete cube, a huge "village preservation": a huge platform for laboratories of all kinds to be the envy of any restoration workshop. I was impressed by the space and the amount of material found there (anything goes from the workshop of restoration and gilding of leather to the workshop for converting movies to digital format, from by microfilming, a lot of photo labs and even a mini-cinema with a score of places!): the high-end ...
Here I will discuss the preservation center (a concept which is tantamount to our preventive conservation) a splendid dome of glass and steel covering a huge block of concrete in which documents are stored. This building was opened in 1998 and what struck me first is its modernity almost 12 years and not a wrinkle ...
Great Fieret LAC (and rightly), the building was designed in close collaboration with archivists, and this down to the smallest detail. It was the impression of approaching the archive building ideal fully externalized lines (you can see the pipes out to the left of the building if you look closely at my bad photo), walls and floors completely sealed and fireproof, ventilation hatches ingenious, slightly sloping floors with evacuation in the event of water damage, stores (storage vaults they say here) at different temperatures and humidity levels for different types of Documents with sas heating / cooling progressive, metal shelving and fully dimensioned specially according to the documents (finished large format and plans beyond warped), etc.. etc.. The list is too long but I have the impression that nothing has been left to chance.
But that's not all! Above the concrete cube, a huge "village preservation": a huge platform for laboratories of all kinds to be the envy of any restoration workshop. I was impressed by the space and the amount of material found there (anything goes from the workshop of restoration and gilding of leather to the workshop for converting movies to digital format, from by microfilming, a lot of photo labs and even a mini-cinema with a score of places!): the high-end ...
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only snag: the building is (already) full and, despite the reserve land available here, as elsewhere, money and political will is lacking to repeat this feat that combines (I think) archival architectural aesthetics and efficiency.
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few additional pictures to make you dream ... until Pierrefitte
And if you want to know more, here is !
And if you want to know more, here is !
1. This will be a future article
2. I will report here that the main buildings of LAC. There's actually a myriad scattered everywhere ...
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