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List of exhibitions, museums, monuments and historic sites, archives visited in 2009

Like last year and with some delay, here is the list of exhibitions, museums, historic buildings and in addition this year, archives, visited in 2009. The list is, I believe, exhaustive as it was Held at the As ...

  • Picasso & the Masters (Paris, Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, January 2009)
  • Emil Nolde (Paris, Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, January 2009)
  • art vacuum (Roubaix ANMT, January 2009)
  • The Paris of Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (Paris, Musee Carnavalet, February 2009)
  • Collection Yves Saint-Laurent-Pierre Bergé (Paris, Grand Palace, February 2009)
  • Giorgio di Chirico : The Dream Factory (Paris, Musée d'Art Moderne in Paris, February 2009)
  • Gauguin's Vision sermon, the invention of synthetic (Quimper, Musee des Beaux Arts, March 2009, varnishing)
  • The Strange Mr. Merson (Rennes, Musee des Beaux Arts, March 2009)
  • Controversies (Paris, BNF, March 2009)
  • Gates of Heaven: Visions of the World in Ancient Egypt (Paris, Louvre, April 2009)
  • Yan Pei-Ming: the funeral of Mona Lisa (Paris, Louvre, April 2009)
  • Great World Andy Warhol (Paris, GNGP, April 2009)
  • An image can lead to another (Paris, GNGP, April 2009)
  • The first altar (Paris, Louvre, April 2009)
  • Kandinsky (Paris, Centre Pompidou, May 2009)
  • Court Pomp and royal ceremonies (Chateau de Versailles, May 2009)
  • Mount Athos and the Byzantine Empire: Treasures from the Holy Mountain (Paris, Petit Palace, May 2009)
  • the Louvre during the war: photographic views (1938-1945) (Paris, Louvre, May 2009)
  • De Siena Florence, the Italian primitives. Altenburg Collection (Paris, Musée Jacquemart-André, May 2009)
  • Picasso - Cézanne (Aix-en-Provence, Musée Granet, June 2009)
  • Alfons Mucha (Montpellier, Musée Fabre, 2009)
  • Crime and Punishment, a legal history (Digne-les-Bains, departmental archives, July 2009)
  • Miro in his garden (Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul de Vence, August 2009)
  • Soulages (Centre Pompidou, Paris, October 2009)
  • The legend of King Arthur (BNF, Paris November 2009)
  • Royal Splendour: the collection of tapestries of Louis XIV (Galerie des Gobelins, Paris, November 2009)
  • Teotihuacan, city of gods (Musée du Quai Branly, Paris, November 2009)
  • Tiffany (Musée du Luxembourg, Paris, November 2009)
Many exhibitions visited this year - some part of the INP, but most not - success stories and discoveries as well ... The five favorite shows I in 2009 (sorry, I could not limit myself to three as last year, the choice is extremely difficult): Emil Nolde (discovery-shock from an artist that I did not know at all), the first altar (we never change that you want) Alphons Mucha (exposure to both sumptuous and successful), Soulages (as of emotion), the legend of King Arthur (I really liked the staging and the effort made to convey an impressive amount of information in a digestible, however).

The three biggest misfires (and here I limit myself to 3): The art of empty-Picasso Cezanne, Teotihuacan (but I think that having visited the site a few weeks ago real me does not have an incentive to indulgence).

  • Museum of pool (Roubaix, January 2009)
  • Museum of Natural History (Lille, January 2009)
  • City of Architecture and Heritage (Paris, February 2009)
  • Modern Art Museum of the City of Paris (Paris, February 2009)
  • Fishing Museum (Concarneau, March 2009)
  • Chateau des Ducs de Bretagne (Nantes, March 2009)
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes (Nantes, March 2009)
  • Musée Jacquemart-André (Paris, May 2009)
  • Museum Granet (Aix-en-Provence, June 2009)
  • Musee Fabre (Montpellier, 2009)
  • Gassendi Museum (Digne-les- bathroom, August 2009)
  • Bodmer Foundation (Switzerland, Cologny, August 2009)
  • National Museum of Anthropology (Mexico, Mexico City, October 2009)
  • Castillo de Chapultepec, the Museum of History Mexico City (Mexico City, October 2009)
  • Historical Museum of Oaxaca (Mexico, October 2009)
  • Museum Unterlinden (Colmar, France, November 2009)
Blow of heart for the Fabre museum I had seen before its renovation, and I rediscovered this summer. Stroke heart as for the castle of the Dukes of Brittany, despite all the controversy over its renovation, I found that this was a great success.
NB: Missing Italian museums I visited in Umbria, then this book has remained in France, update upon my return ...

Monuments and historical sites
  • Villa Cavrois (Cross, January 2009)
  • Chateau Maisons-Lafitte (Maisons-Lafitte, January 2009)
  • Cathedral (Rennes, March 2009)
  • Cathedral (Nantes, March 2009)
  • Hall Blossac (Rennes , March 2009)
  • Fort National (Saint-Malo, March 2009)
  • Malouinière of Bos (Saint-Malo, March 2009)
  • Solidor Tower (Saint-Malo, March 2009)
  • Mago Hotel (Saint-Malo, March 2009)
  • Chapel Ker Maria Isquit year (Plouha, March 2009)
  • Hadriana Villa (Italy, May 2009)
  • Villa d'Este (Italy, May 2009)
  • Villa Gregoriana (Italy, May 2009)
  • Assisi (Italy, May 2009)
  • Perugia (Italy, May 2009)
  • Abbey of Cluny (Cluny, June 2009)
  • Priory of Paray-le-Monial (June 2009)
  • Chapel frescoes Berzé & XII (Berzé, June 2009)
  • medieval castle Berzé (June 2009)
  • House Alexandra David-Neel (Digne-les-Bains June 2009)
  • Cathedral St. Jerome and Notre-Dame-du-Bourg (Digne-les-Bains, June 2009)
  • Abbey of Montserrat (Spain, Montserrat, June 2009)
  • Sagrada Familia (Spain, Barcelona, June 2009)
  • Montmajour Abbey (2009)
  • Pont du Gard (2009)
  • site of Glanum (July 2009)
  • Arles : amphitheater, forum, Alyscamps, spa, St. Trophime and cloister (July 2009)
  • Cathedral Villeneuve-les-Maguelonne (July 2009)
  • Château des Baux de Provence (August 2009)
  • Abbaye d'Abondance (Abundance, August 2009)
  • archaeological sites in Mexico and Guatemala: Teotihuacan, El Tajin, Monte Alban , Palenque, Yaxchilan, Bonampak, Tikal, Tulum, Cozumel (Mexico, Guatemala, October 2009)
  • Mexican Churches: Cathedral of Puebla, San Domingo church, convent St. Catherine of Siena Cathedral (Puebla), church of San Juan Chamula, Cathedral of San Cristobal (Mexico, October 2009)
  • Castle Chenonceau (November 2009)
  • Château d'Azay-le-Rideau (November 2009)
I just abused the MH this year ... Same comment as above for Italy!

Centers Archives

  • National Archives of the workplace (Roubaix, January 2009)
  • Departmental Archives du Nord (Lille, January 2009)
  • Archives NATO (Brussels, January 2009)
  • Departmental Archives of Ille-et-Vilaine (Rennes, March 2009)
  • Departmental Archives du Val de Marne (Créteil, April 2009)
  • departmental archives of the Alpes de Haute-Provence (Digne-les-Bains, June 2009)
  • National Archives of Outre-Mer (Aix-en-Provence, 2009)
  • departmental archives of the Hautes-Alpes (Gap, 2009)
  • National Archives - site Fontainebleau (Fontainebleau, December 2009)
Phew, it's over! And if you want to share your favorite heart, you comments are open ...


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