Sunday, February 13, 2011

Play-mate Of The Apes Free

ticket mood (moderate): Let us live in the Light! Ticket

Advocacy shaped indictment.

I very much enjoyed the speech Bâtonnier Teitgen , widely circulated on the web, during the recent Audience FMR . (Freemasonry Regular)

And I admit I made an incongruous relationship between the recent upheavals, observed in Tunisia and in Egypt (until later) with a number of organizations or companies contemporary philosophical initiation.

Not that I'm in favor of hard kick in the anthill to force events, much less an anarchist lingered, surely not a torpedo: I am a free man! Moreover, I will give you a confidence, a few lines lower, which will reveal the complexity (no ambiguity) of the character!

But ... why such a approximation?

We all know the advantages and disadvantages of pyramidal systems of governance, including democracy. We know that the representation by elected officials know their limitations:
- Should there also have real, with the full exercise of the powers attached!
- Is it still that separation of powers of the executive to be strictly adhered to, for example the initiation of the administration.

There are, predominantly, motion in respect of these principles, we can all testify and not to those mentioned here. The Grand Architect (or God, or Cosmic) will recognize his own!

The race for the Presidency or Great Masters became the number one concern of our leaders, mostly in the "companies" where concurrent powers exist.

Therefore, personally, I remain positive a symbolic function in life, as surprising as it sounds, coupled with a separate executive, elected, responsible, and even extended several times but with a limit. It is stable, you will not lose time and money in the community with campaigns for election supreme honor, because everyone knows that the place of the Grand Sultan is not available. Meetings-general to be efficient, alert and "ratify" the activity of the Grand Vizier.

You are therefore objected royalist do we? No, I'd rather Monarchist (Plan) that royalist (system), then parliamentary constitutional means it means!

Ok, I push the plug, but it takes time cause-in-time!

Instead, what do we?

-TO-general assemblies ghosts, so discreet that no ...
-power which combines the two functions, tacit-renewal, unlimited! It is a form, nevertheless, dictatorship who does not confess his name (the word is not necessarily restricted to builders or bloody fortune).
-A mummified attitude to local levels, severely muzzled by a regional framework which derives its authority from the supreme authority. No risk, no one moves, not everyone thinks but no less wary neighbor ... Value added: none! But what comfort in management!

And I will-you-grow, no danger that you reach the capstone ...

All this is exceeded, medieval, inevitably leads one day to the worst rebellions diving, creeping and gangrenous, and finally, because it does More than other means, explosive! Meanwhile, some were surprised to go through the box "cults" ...

"Have I done well to open it, or should I close the once more?
- You take risks, Coco!
- no, I just take my share of responsibility "

Dopey to say!
to you to express and respond with your comments.

Pyramid: The Blog of Merlin


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