Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stranne Lamp Bulbs From Ikea

mood: Take his readers for fools!

A year!

I'll wait a year before finally reading the lost Symbol of Dan Brown, why?

Because frankly disappointed by the first two, I waited until the third kind in paperback, it is more advantageous price / quality ratio!

I say from the outset, his novels follow and unfortunately spoil!

The first batch, The Da Vinci Code , heavily inspired - but not plagiarized - the Enigma of sacred of Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln (published 20 years ago), m ' was frankly annoyed. In an execrable literary style, even cheesy, he handed staging a recurring story that smells sensational small prices, the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene and their offspring ... Alas, I quickly lost among the many twists of puzzles first indecipherable to be quickly resolved then, as
" was obvious, why did not someone think sooner " .
The recipe is good to be back in the next two novels, but complex, and taking the reader a little warning for remained as the string is big, becoming a genuine all strung dozens of pages ...

The second angels and demons, I will tell you ... just because I've never done! I have no right to criticize, but ... you understand!

So the Symbol lost, what a story, or rather what a very bad joke!

It has all the ingredients above, with the added bonus, an invasion of American Freemasonry, which the least one can say with no disrespect to our brothers in the new continent, it is not yet very representative of "the institution" (in quotation marks required), rituals and modes of operation. Finally, the least we can judge by reading the gibberish of Dan Brown.

And yet, he assures us on page 11, just before the prologue, I quote:
"All rituals, scientific evidence, monuments and works of art described in this book are authentic "
Deception! Here's why I have a sharp tongue!

experts have examined it with talent, with contradictory findings elsewhere, Bauer and Dachez ( lost decoded symbol ) Giacometti and Ravenna ( symbol found ). Ultimately, it is just and perfect: a couple of poeple Freemasons, another novelist-detective, could not find something better to expose the fraud, conspiracy to dismember, and perhaps ruin ... hopes of travel agencies that organize thought a new discovery circuit-check!

us put us in the wrong, still delirious on the assertion of Giacometti and Ravenna
"We read that Dan Brown had invented an initiation rite where Freemasons drink wine from a skull. That is incorrect. In reality, this practice he wrongly attributes to the 33rd degree initiation, does indeed exist in some American Lodges. It's called the ritual Cerneau .
Between a skull filled with human blood, and Phoenix with two heads, there would be material to simply "splurge" if there was a risk of congenital most of my contemporaries and friends lay to amalgamate, to believe and accept it because it is written, etc..

And it works! "The Pope's Masonic thriller" (Editorial Morning, 23.09.2009) exceeds the 83 million copies sold, just for the Da Vinci Code ! For me, it was Pope marketing, or San Antonio ...

I'll make a confession: I preferred the movie ... at least I knew what to expect, a work of fiction, not too badly put together, unpretentious historic, a detective played well by interpreters credible, a point that's all! Probably there will he a film version of Symbol lost, but now I will not. The prospect of a film whose atmosphere is black (for night, with extra, indoor scenes without endless light, etc.). I am not pleasant for someone who aspires to more light!

Good books, it does exist, which is known to look!

Bibliographies :

BAUER DACH, lost decoded symbol, Vega, 2009.
Dan Brown: Da Vinci Code, Lattes, 2003. Angels and demons, Lattes, 2005. The symbol lost LGF / Pocket Book, 2011.
GIACOMETTI-RAVENNA, symbol found, Fleuve Noir, 2009.
COX, Simon, The Lost Symbol decrypted, Michel Lafon, 2009.


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