Company "COFFOR CHINA" who had received contracts to Algiers and Constantine is a self-titled "COFFOR SERVICE SA subsidiary " POLYFINANCE COFFOR HOLDING SA "which Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le is a potential shareholder ( see Part V this blog) and
who worked actively with his eternal partner and servant Mr. Zaid LALIOUI to build a network of Chinese companies that miraculously got a lot of sites in the western region including Oran.
The national press has treated the subject of curious rapid development and flourishing of these companies especially if the facilitator of this network is none other than Mr. Zaidi LALIOUI eternal partner and servant of Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le and many sites within the Planning Minister that M.le Cherif Rahmani charge.
Some argue that China is devienue for over 2 years, to a part of the fortune Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le
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