few months ago, we approached companies (twenty) of Mr. Minister Sharif RAHMANI in Algeria (see Part II of this blog) distributed on the main activities, today we will complete this list with new businesses related areas as important and promoters such as solar and electric .
Some even think that these companies will siphon off the aid of Europe in anticipation of having markets and will ensure a peaceful transfer money abroad.
1) BEL SOLAR: Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le associated with its eternal servant Zaidi LALIOUI is represented by a nominee Brahim BELLAL
address: City 17 LOGT Block C No. 16 306 4 Chemin Mackley Ben Aknoun
Created: July 17, 2006
Trade Register No: 0972151 Code 06B NSA: 10 55 09
2) CIPU: Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le is represented by its nominee in the business of real estate in France (see Part III this blog) Mr. Miloud BELABED .
Address: 5 Route Colonel AMRANI 16506 Algiers (Malika GAID)
Created: February 15, 2004
Trade Register No: 0963621 04B NSA Code: 60 50 21
3) AGGREGATES KADRI: Mr. Hassine KADRI (the family of Mr. Abdelhafid KADRI nominee in business and employee in France, Mr. Zaidi LALIOUI ) represents M.le Minister Sharif Rahmani that is associated with Mr. Serge CARRE .
address: Careers Sidi El Houari Common BOURKIKA 42,000 TIPAZA
Created: November 29, 2000
Trade Register No: 00B 0522634Code NSA: October 30, 2000
4) ELITE TRAVEL: Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le is associated his brother- Mr. Abderrhmane ZIAD (see Part II of this blog)
address: 28 bis Brothers KADRI 16405 Algiers (Hydra)
Created: July 27, 2002
Trade Register No: 0018945 Code NSA 02B: 65 50 12
5) LABORATORY MEDIFARMAL: Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le is associated with his brother in law Mr. Abderrhmane ZIAD
address: 139 Lots ALIOU Fodil Cheraga 16,002 (HYDRA)
Created: May 26, 1998
canceled on: November 30, 1998
Trade Register No: 0003928 98B NSA Code: 40 62 02
6) IMPORT EXPORT COMPANY CHIBANI: on behalf of Mr. CHIBANI Hacene who is the partner of Mr. Chérif Rahmani Minister as is the case in France (see Part VIII this blog)
address: 35002 Hai BENADJEL BOUMERDES
Created: August 13, 2002
Trade Register No: 0723675 02B NSA Code: 40 40 03
and other companies to see below. Some one on behalf of the family whose Rouabhia Ahmed Rouabhia former mayor of Bouzareah is friends Mr. Cherif Rahmani Minister .
Dispassionate observers believe that Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le and his family have the upper hand over part of economic activity in Algeria, especially when he knew that Mr. Mehdi Rahmani son of M.le Minister Cherif RAHMANI joined the National Advisory Council for the Promotion of SMEs as one of the leaders of the employers in Algeria (Algerian Confédearion General Entreprisers CGEA see attached document) and the RAHMANI became a force after having a beautiful family as that of the current president
F. C. E (Forum of Entrepreneurs). Free SEO
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