Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Womens Nike Greco Mid

Happy Birthday my blog! When I get tired

Yes, today, the anniversary of the blog that celebrates its first birthday! To celebrate, rather than give you endless statistics?? Posts published this year my 12 million visitors from 25 countries and typing in their search engines that incongruous words as "glassine" (yes I assure you), I reply late to relay Miss BS . But promised, this is a parenthesis, a slight wind of madness, and back to business.

Four jobs that I would have liked to exercise

- being famous. I already answered it at 5 years and it lasted long. I'm not even sure it left me completely (I know, I did not choose the right path to get there);
- Public writer. This business long fascinated me because it suited both my taste for public service to my passion for writing and many other things
- conductor. Bah, I'm not from a family of musicians for anything anyway ... Anyway, he soon had to face the facts: I lacked the talent
- architect. The job that I would certainly choose if I were not returned at the Ecole des Chartes. Notice the family archivist with sound!

The four films that I know by heart

- Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (Gondry)
- Breathless (Godard)
- Romeo & Juliet (the one with Di Caprio)
- Well, if I have a (large) low for the French film genre Desplechin, Liora, etc..

Four favorite books

- A beautiful dark (Gracq) but all texts in general Gracq
- The last two books by Emmanuel Carrère ( A Russian novel & More lives than mine )
- The flowers of evil, but oh so essential classic
- but as I read more I need to be quiet and alone to read, time tends to fail me (yes, I know is very bad). But I love buying books due!

Four shows or series

Ah there fastoche: I never watch the series, I hate it and I NEVER HOOK. In addition, I have no TV. For cons, I admit being addicted to Rendezvous with X and mask and feather on France Inter, I do not know if it counts.

Four places I like to spend the holidays

- Italy
- my home (with lots of rainy days is preferred)
- St. Cézaire
- a journey with my beloved, anywhere

Four websites advising

- Ah, Netvibes has revolutionized my practice web, I confess;
- I'm addicted to the site of the World ;
- also that of Penelope Jolicoeur ;
- and I discovered recently that of Jacques Monin I read with great pleasure.

Four dishes I never eat

- snails. Childhood trauma;
- tripe and other offal (even haggis!)
- red beets;
- black pudding.

Four dishes I love

Only four is impossible
- pasta in all its forms and particularly alle vongole ;
- the veal to the former of my mom;
- almost all chocolate desserts as possible (except Black Forest);
- Ladurée macaroons with champagne;
- the whipped cream house with a spoon;
- pancakes (especially at breakfast with Nutella).

Four places I would be right now

- Rome. I always want to be in Rome;
- in my bed. I'm a big sleeper, I confess;
- usually I am where I am.

Four persons whom I meet

- a Celestine monk (yeah, we do not remake), just to see;
- Mozart
- Simone de Beauvoir;
- the Dalai Lama.

Four Wishes for next year

- have a position in a small town high;
- become a philosopher;
- not to age (come on, just for one year);
- peace in the world .

Four CD unavoidable

- the Bach cello suites (which is not to the Goldberg variations);
- Unplugged in New York, Nirvana ;
- 666 667 club, Black Desire;
- piano concertos by Mozart.

I pass the baton to those who want to do it;)


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