Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Groping In Japan Train

Series Major figures of the past, Constant Chevillon.

Constant Chevillon, 1880-1944

man of heart, Freemason copy Martyr
Militia French. No less than he was for this extraordinary course, will forever be a key figure, now recovered, sometimes idolized to the point it would be very surprised sponsorships and various estates which he is subject. It was not an occultist, but a great spiritualist, who will be remembered as a man of simple but profound thought. His alliance with Swinburne Clymer, a fierce opponent of Harvey Spencer Lewis
(AMORC) and its presidency of the FU . DISOT
it is still a certain blacklisted by some historians supporters . We'll also, of course!

Who is he? He was born October 26, 1880 at Annoire, a village of 400 inhabitants in the Jura, a peasant family, eldest of three children. His parents, less fortunate, had to heart to give him a good education and a sound education. He is gifted with a very large memory and his thirst to learn the village priest convinces him to teach Latin. Following his secondary education at the College Monciel where he joined 12 years, his inclination prompts him to enter the Minor Seminary and then continue to the diaconate at the Grand Seminary in Lons-le-Saunier. Returned to secular life, he is a civilian career in various banks, honorable but undistinguished.

: It's intentional that we do not do echo episodes related Vintrassisme
(proven) and
(slander spread by the Vichy police). We believe it would be inappropriate to deal with these issues outside of their context and believe they should be a particular development, specific to their respective histories, what we have in our projects.

1892: Secondary education at the College Monciel Lons-le-Saunier. Given the distance and means of transport at the time, no doubt there was a boarder.

century, date unknown:
  • - : Bachelor of Arts (proven) and possibly aggregation (check) Faculties of Arts in Lyon.
  • -
  • : stay at the Abbey of Solesmes . -
  • : Teaches religious philosophy in a college of Jesuits. -: Bank employee at the
  • Company-General
  • Lyon.
  • century begins, date unknown: -:
  • Bank employee at the
  • Company-General of
  • Lyon.
  • -: Done knowledge Encausse Gerard (Papus). Is it then initiated into the Order Martinist
  • ?
  • 1906: Marries Caroline Maurice (they divorced in 1910)
  • -: Group Membership Athenaeum (?) Where he became Treasurer.
  • 1911: Creates the literary society Attica.
  • historian Serge Caillet dates from this period "entry in the occult" following his encounter with the astrologer Jean-Baptiste Roche.
  • 1913: Employee of the bank
  • BN
  • . CI, National Bank for Industrial Credit, Lyon.
  • -: exact date unknown, comes into Freemasonry. 1914: Called up, it was twice wounded (seriously left arm) on the Champagne front and the Somme.
  • 1919: December 14, initiated into the Order
  • Martinist Lyon by Jean Bricaud.
  • 1920: Enters the Universal Gnostic Church
  • . 1921: Member of the Supreme Council of the Order Martinist
  • Lyon.
  • -: Serge Caillet advance the same period for admission as 85 ° Patriarch Grand Conservator- Sovereign Sanctuary of Memphis-Mizraim
  • .
  • 1923 : 95 ° in the Rite of Memphis-Mizraim.
  • 1926: Publishes East and West.
  • 1927: Appointed an Inspector of the BN
  • . CI in Paris.
  • 1929: In Paris, January 21, a signatory of the New Constitution and Regulations General Oriental Masonic Order of Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Mizraim. 1932: Nominated Substitute Grand Master of Memphis-Mizraim
  • . Succession deal with Jean Bricaud.
  • 1934: February 24, he succeeded Jean Bricaud (deceased February 21) and became Grand Master: Martinist College, Memphis-Mizraim
  • . Appointed Rector of the
  • Rose + Croix Kabbalistic and Gnostic (Frater A Vera Luce). Patriarch of the Universal Gnostic Church .
  • -: Eugenie Bricaud succeeded him in the direction of the Company Occultist International.
  • -: Director Annals of initiation. -:
  • October 21 at the Assembly of
  • Sovereign Sanctuary held in Bordeaux, he appoints Henry Charles Smith Grand Chancellor. It organizes the international dimension of the Order, but meets opposition from George Lagrèze
  • .
  • 1935: November 3, regularization by Bishop Giraud, Patriarch of the Gallican Church . -: Henri-Charles Dupont combines his duties as Grand Secretary-General and Grand Chancellor, with the Grand Officer of the Rite. Happy and prescient decision for the survival of the Order to his tragic demise.
  • 1936: Episcopal Consecration (Tau Harmonius) January 5 by Bishop Giraud.
  • -: Difficulties with the Belgians and Swiss brothers
  • 1937: Resident in Paris, Hotel Bernardine in the street of the same name.
  • -: Publishes Reflections on the Social Hall.
  • -: December 24, at the headquarters of CIOT (International Centre Occultism Traditional) Street Washington, where he gave lectures under the pseudonym Costy, he met the young Robert Ambelain
  • .
  • 1938: Grand Convent of Memphis-Mizraim
  • from August 27 to 30 in Lyon. The initiation for women is adopted!
  • 1939: Named proxy at the
  • BN
  • . CI in Paris. This position requires it - which contradicts the- but it also allows to move through the various branches of the bank and therefore promotes its action in the various organizations of which he chairs and provides destiny.
  • -:
  • January, passage under the banner of Robert Ambelain which recognizes the voice of his questioner, Constant Chevillon (apprentice will be received on March 24 of that year by the Venerable Master Novaleers at the Lodge The
  • Jerusalem Valleys Egyptian) -: Publishes The Face of Freemasonry . -: March 20, creating, with Swinburne Clymer, of the
  • FU
  • . BackFit (Universal Federation of Orders, Company and Fraternity of Initiates) , thus opposing the FU . Dosi (Universal Federation of the Orders and Societies Initiatory)
  • previously created in 1934 by Emile Dantinne, Harvey Spencer Lewis
  • and Victor Blanchard. But the FU . DISOT . never hearing and the aura of her rival. -: September 2, last National Convent of Memphis-Mizraim . The war broke out the next day.
  • 1940: August 19, law of prohibition and dissolution of companies-secret.
  • 1941: September, first search by the National Militia
  • French. Is Maccabees Street in Lyon where he had taken refuge in Bricaud Eugenie? By Serge Caillet Yes, we can trust him!
  • 1942: Publishes From nothingness to being. 1943: Arrested in Clermont-Ferrand, at the headquarters of the bank, the
  • Police French , his suitcase, his papers and a manuscript (The cosmic speed
  • ? We'll never know) were seized and not returned. Released the same day.
  • 1944: Publishes verbum caro factum And is. -:
  • March 25, Resident 22 rue des Maccabees in an appendix to the home of Eugene Bricaud, he was arrested around 7:45 p.m. by
  • the Militia , armed wing of Mnat (Movement-National-Anti-Terrorists)
  • . This seems questionable, the identification was not conclusive, unknown posing as police officers but unable to present papers. But the testimony of Mrs. Bricaud is "members of the Police Politics
  • Vichy, working with the Gestapo" and mentions a "NCO German-among them "(According to Robert Ambelain). "We give her overcoat and scarf and we embraced both (Eugenie Bricaud and a friend). He looked very, very pale, very sad. They made him drive. Both cars left without lights in the direction of the Descent Chouans.

Constant Chevillon's body is found in a ditch, about 10:45 p.m., at
The Rise of the Bells, commune of Saint-Fons .
Let's call one last witness for moving Eugenie - better than we would do - a final tribute:
"My poor friend, despite a large bruise on his left cheek, was recognizable, his eyes closed. I did dress. Beer padded purple satin, a pillow under her head, I examined the poor tortured before the veil of linen, I let my hand on his cold forehead praying. I put a red flower on his heart, and a roll of parchment when I related all that had happened and the titles of the deceased. My hand lingered a little on this front which had contained so many beautiful thoughts and I gave the order to close on him, forever, the coffin. "

Constant Chevillon rests for eternity alongside Jean Bricaud, the cemetery Francheville-le-Haut.

Posthumous Publications:
: Universal tradition.
1953 : Meditations initiation.
2000 & 2001 : Letters to Marcelle.
- Portrait from the site, weblog bergerseln , and scanned images in sepia overlay the signing by the author. - Tomb of Jean Bricaud: Archives of Philip Encausse

Bibliographic Sources:

-Caillet Serge
Freemasonry Egyptian Memphis-Mizraim , Paris, Dervy, 2003, 370 pages. - Castelli, Joseph
The Truth about the Order and disorder in the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Mizraim , Montelimar, Masonic Publishing, 2004, 305 pages - Galtier, Gerard, Egyptian Masonry, Paris, Editions du Rocher, 1994, 473 pages
Initiation "A Man for our time, Constant Chevillon ", pages 95 - 113, in number 2 / 2002.
- Site of the
Lodge Mixed Memphis-Mizraim .
- Site of the Lyon College .


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