Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Proposal Letter (franchise) Samples

The Rapporteur of the House of Voices tells you

BULLETIN March 2011


  • New exhibit at the Salons de la Rose + Croix

Laurence Leleu Works are exhibited from March 1 to April 30, 2011:

Address: 199 bis, rue Saint-Martin - 75003 Paris

Tel. : 01 44 54 38 54
Hours: Open daily from 10 am to 20 pm, Sundays from 11 am to 18 pm

Monday, February 28, 2011

Eye Sclera Capillaries

Editorial month of March 2011

March 2011

And already here for most of us, a new year begins!
What is rich in spiritual evolution and successful in your search. Keep in our hearts the memory of those who joined in the meantime the East eternal!

few regulars me one remarked that I had neglected the news that continued to shake the second Obedience of France, and the emphasis on the excesses of blogs called "competitors".

It is not! First, Reflections on three points is not in competition and has a special place (which does not mean apart) from what I read here and there and c ' is very fine. Then - and I'm already spoken on this point - this is not the purpose of this blog entry, promote, expand the controversy. Fortunately, the wealth of offerings on the news does not lack on the net, and as already written "Everyone should be free to make its market where it wants, where his steps lead" . And then, said news does she speaks not of herself, ending Truth and Justice always wins?

For cons, I could not help but smile when I heard a pair of well-known journalists, to ensure that vigorous action was still print, that oppressed people had their formidable uprising! Let ...

Special members: welcome new members registered, Woodman, Atp. Fourment and Reig Cristia, welcome to all three and thank you in advance for your future comments!

Your friend, your brother,
Jacques Courtois

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Systems From Having Royphnol

hat box for Mathéo

Can A Platypusget Rabies


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Prolapsed Uterus In Dogs.

I come to die, William

I come back to die, Guillaume - Trailer from Patrick Bilodeau we Vimeo.

I come back to die, William
By Marie-Charlotte Aubin

Fanny and Alexander Bergeron Migneault Lecavalier

DIRECTOR: Patrick Bilodeau

ART DIRECTION: Catherine White

BRANCH PHOTO: Menad Kesraoui

Assistant DA: Sophia Belahmer, Ines Steinmetzer
Assistant Camera: Maurice Vadeboncoeur
Lighting: Samuel of Chevrotière
Lighting: Fernand-Philippe Morin Vargas
Machinist Francis Erazola

Makeup: Camille Rouleau



Friday, February 18, 2011

How Much Is A Sprinkler Inspection

The Rapporteur of the House of Voices tells you

Bulletin February 2011

  • be published on 1 March 2011:

RITUALS AND RITUAL Catechism Ecumenical , co-authored by Jean-Marc Aractingui, Grand Master of the GOA . and Gilles Le Pape we greatly appreciated his now famous and inescapable SCRIPTURE MAGIC, Origins of the 2400 register names of use and archangels of Martines de Pasqually (Archy Edit, 2006).

Do not miss, Editions l'Harmattan, in all good bookstores, and FNAC

18.02.2011 :

  • Update on Haiti, as an unfortunate habit:

Cholera continues pursuing its claim progression, with two new homes.
Here we are at 220,784 and 4334 contaminated dead!

Fondation de France


  • A Grand Lodge in the Principality of Monaco.

Yes, officially, it did not exist! In fact, since 1811, working on a box in Monaco. On 19 February, the National Grand Lodge Regular of the Principality of Monaco (GLNRPM) be installed by the Grand Master, Jean-Pierre Pastor, who intends to depart from any profiteering. Note that the GLNRPM applies only to Monaco, about 200 members (out of 2560 subjects).

10.02.2011 :
  • the day of rebirth for GNLF . ?

In all cases, the historical FMR (Freemasonry Regular) which held its meetings in the discipline, serenity and dignity.

See the official record of debates on the blog of the FMR and a series of videos, held high!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dry Heaving Allergies

this morning.

"I expect that the present moment at the end of the table."

I tinker my grandchildren tomorrow to apologize for yesterday.


to spread those smiles on the ground,

you saw the moon in my navel.

I wish I invented something.

To explain my silence.

©] [Ma Cha Aubin

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Best Toothbrush For Receding Gums


The French satirical weekly Le Canard chained known worldwide for its investigations and careful surveys comes, after verification, to confirm what we've published since October 2008 on embezzlement and the great fortune of excellence M . Chérif Rahmani Minister . Superbly
summary, this article will Inshallah the beginning of a series where soon the French justice will be our new pleasure in examining the documents filed complaints against Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le and his gang.
The judicial part of this series will be published in due course.
We fail to update in the coming days, hundreds of pages of documents on new businesses and real estate acquisitions of His Excellency Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le that flourish like mushrooms including Algeria and in France. Those of Spain, Malaysia and the USA ..... and elsewhere will be following this game.

to have the document in its actual size: Click it once and then again to enlarge

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Play-mate Of The Apes Free

ticket mood (moderate): Let us live in the Light! Ticket

Advocacy shaped indictment.

I very much enjoyed the speech Bâtonnier Teitgen , widely circulated on the web, during the recent Audience FMR . (Freemasonry Regular)

And I admit I made an incongruous relationship between the recent upheavals, observed in Tunisia and in Egypt (until later) with a number of organizations or companies contemporary philosophical initiation.

Not that I'm in favor of hard kick in the anthill to force events, much less an anarchist lingered, surely not a torpedo: I am a free man! Moreover, I will give you a confidence, a few lines lower, which will reveal the complexity (no ambiguity) of the character!

But ... why such a approximation?

We all know the advantages and disadvantages of pyramidal systems of governance, including democracy. We know that the representation by elected officials know their limitations:
- Should there also have real, with the full exercise of the powers attached!
- Is it still that separation of powers of the executive to be strictly adhered to, for example the initiation of the administration.

There are, predominantly, motion in respect of these principles, we can all testify and not to those mentioned here. The Grand Architect (or God, or Cosmic) will recognize his own!

The race for the Presidency or Great Masters became the number one concern of our leaders, mostly in the "companies" where concurrent powers exist.

Therefore, personally, I remain positive a symbolic function in life, as surprising as it sounds, coupled with a separate executive, elected, responsible, and even extended several times but with a limit. It is stable, you will not lose time and money in the community with campaigns for election supreme honor, because everyone knows that the place of the Grand Sultan is not available. Meetings-general to be efficient, alert and "ratify" the activity of the Grand Vizier.

You are therefore objected royalist do we? No, I'd rather Monarchist (Plan) that royalist (system), then parliamentary constitutional means it means!

Ok, I push the plug, but it takes time cause-in-time!

Instead, what do we?

-TO-general assemblies ghosts, so discreet that no ...
-power which combines the two functions, tacit-renewal, unlimited! It is a form, nevertheless, dictatorship who does not confess his name (the word is not necessarily restricted to builders or bloody fortune).
-A mummified attitude to local levels, severely muzzled by a regional framework which derives its authority from the supreme authority. No risk, no one moves, not everyone thinks but no less wary neighbor ... Value added: none! But what comfort in management!

And I will-you-grow, no danger that you reach the capstone ...

All this is exceeded, medieval, inevitably leads one day to the worst rebellions diving, creeping and gangrenous, and finally, because it does More than other means, explosive! Meanwhile, some were surprised to go through the box "cults" ...

"Have I done well to open it, or should I close the once more?
- You take risks, Coco!
- no, I just take my share of responsibility "

Dopey to say!
to you to express and respond with your comments.

Pyramid: The Blog of Merlin
sheep: Flepi.net

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stranne Lamp Bulbs From Ikea

mood: Take his readers for fools!

A year!

I'll wait a year before finally reading the lost Symbol of Dan Brown, why?

Because frankly disappointed by the first two, I waited until the third kind in paperback, it is more advantageous price / quality ratio!

I say from the outset, his novels follow and unfortunately spoil!

The first batch, The Da Vinci Code , heavily inspired - but not plagiarized - the Enigma of sacred of Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln (published 20 years ago), m ' was frankly annoyed. In an execrable literary style, even cheesy, he handed staging a recurring story that smells sensational small prices, the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene and their offspring ... Alas, I quickly lost among the many twists of puzzles first indecipherable to be quickly resolved then, as
" was obvious, why did not someone think sooner " .
The recipe is good to be back in the next two novels, but complex, and taking the reader a little warning for remained as the string is big, becoming a genuine all strung dozens of pages ...

The second angels and demons, I will tell you ... just because I've never done! I have no right to criticize, but ... you understand!

So the Symbol lost, what a story, or rather what a very bad joke!

It has all the ingredients above, with the added bonus, an invasion of American Freemasonry, which the least one can say with no disrespect to our brothers in the new continent, it is not yet very representative of "the institution" (in quotation marks required), rituals and modes of operation. Finally, the least we can judge by reading the gibberish of Dan Brown.

And yet, he assures us on page 11, just before the prologue, I quote:
"All rituals, scientific evidence, monuments and works of art described in this book are authentic "
Deception! Here's why I have a sharp tongue!

experts have examined it with talent, with contradictory findings elsewhere, Bauer and Dachez ( lost decoded symbol ) Giacometti and Ravenna ( symbol found ). Ultimately, it is just and perfect: a couple of poeple Freemasons, another novelist-detective, could not find something better to expose the fraud, conspiracy to dismember, and perhaps ruin ... hopes of travel agencies that organize thought a new discovery circuit-check!

us put us in the wrong, still delirious on the assertion of Giacometti and Ravenna
"We read that Dan Brown had invented an initiation rite where Freemasons drink wine from a skull. That is incorrect. In reality, this practice he wrongly attributes to the 33rd degree initiation, does indeed exist in some American Lodges. It's called the ritual Cerneau .
Between a skull filled with human blood, and Phoenix with two heads, there would be material to simply "splurge" if there was a risk of congenital most of my contemporaries and friends lay to amalgamate, to believe and accept it because it is written, etc..

And it works! "The Pope's Masonic thriller" (Editorial Morning, 23.09.2009) exceeds the 83 million copies sold, just for the Da Vinci Code ! For me, it was Pope marketing, or San Antonio ...

I'll make a confession: I preferred the movie ... at least I knew what to expect, a work of fiction, not too badly put together, unpretentious historic, a detective played well by interpreters credible, a point that's all! Probably there will he a film version of Symbol lost, but now I will not. The prospect of a film whose atmosphere is black (for night, with extra, indoor scenes without endless light, etc.). I am not pleasant for someone who aspires to more light!

Good books, it does exist, which is known to look!

Bibliographies :

BAUER DACH, lost decoded symbol, Vega, 2009.
Dan Brown: Da Vinci Code, Lattes, 2003. Angels and demons, Lattes, 2005. The symbol lost LGF / Pocket Book, 2011.
GIACOMETTI-RAVENNA, symbol found, Fleuve Noir, 2009.
COX, Simon, The Lost Symbol decrypted, Michel Lafon, 2009.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Mandingo Black For Lady

For immediate release.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Duty Service Compution Date

Everything was purple on the child,

and I wanted to clear the water on our morning.

But .

you were beautiful and con.

©] [Ma. Cha Aubin

Model: Audrey Bellehumeur

Reinstatement Letter Template For Employment

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Verify Unemployment In Illinois

Jean-Guillaume Cuvelier and the Order of the Sacred Sophisiens, the source of the rites of the Egyptians

Under the auspices of Horus!

egyptomania The blooming under the Consulate and the Empire is not the first source to which the rituals known as "Egyptian" will find their growth. Previously, we knew the novel Sethos a work Abbé Jean Terrasson (1670-1750), Fables Egyptian Pernety Antoine-Joseph (1716-1796), the influence of the Crate-repo to disputed paternity, but especially Silence of the Royal Order of Architects Africans or more commonly Architects Africans or even Egyptians Architects, founded in 1767 by Karl Friedrich von Köppen (1734-1797). Included again for the inspiration, the writings of Athanasius Kircher in 1652, those of course, court Gebelin with the Primitive World . Nor us can not ignore Cagliostro Grand Copt, and his box-mother, the famous Wisdom triumphant. And Magic Flute , Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and finally to complete the novel Eckartshausen, The trip Kosti

By cons, is underestimated, we forget sometimes, a flowering of mystical and initiatory orders, each with a specific ritual adopted in 1780 as the Primitive Rite of Philadelphi ( Narbonne I said), the Rite of the Perfect insiders Egypt in 1785 Aliette said Etteilla, Friends of the Desert in Toulouse in 1806. Finally, the present one particular the Order of the Sacred Sophisiens, in 1801.

But who is its founder, Jean-Guillaume Cuvelier?

  • He was born January 15, 1766, in an aristocratic family in Boulogne-sur-Mer, where the addition of Trye to his name (not used).
  • High School College of Grassins in Paris.
  • Law Studies (Paris?) A practicing lawyer until 1789 in Boulogne.
  • 1793: Commissioner of the Western Armies.
  • 1799: Officer of the Hussars Consular Guard.
  • 1804: Commander of the Company Interpreters (Camp de Boulogne).
  • 1805: Campaign Prussia, Poland He came back physically exhausted and kept all his life sequelae.
  • 1806: Exits Army enters the jurisdiction where he was appointed to the Commission of Public Instruction.

Henceforth, he devoted himself to the Humanities (poetry novels), playwright, he wrote a hundred pieces, musician while pursuing his career Masonic

  • 1801: Creation of Order of the Sacred Sophisiens . In 1801 Jean-Guillaume Cuvelier created with the help of former officers of the Army of Egypt, a ritual working under the auspices of Horus, and under the direction of Grand Isiarque, gives the High-Aspiring grades, Insider and Member of the Great Mysteries.
"No one in the pyramids of the Republic French, if he does not aspire acacia.
are listed in Table: Live Denon Millien, Monge, Geoffrey Holtz, Villoteaul, Marshal Bessieres, generals Reygnier, Menou de Lacepede, d'Estaing.
Masonic His musical work is important.

Robert Amadou, in his second preface to the remarkable study by Serge Caillet, Egyptian Freemasonry of Memphis-Mizraim in fact still the citation while reducing its actual existence, creating the doubt "at least according to Ragon, the only witness of the case".
  • 1802: Founder, the Venerable Lodge Brothers Artists .
  • 1824: died May 25, 1824 in Paris and his Order does not survive him. His body is buried in Pere Lachaise Cemetery , his tomb is a pyramid ...! (26 ° div. Q. 27)

Some pieces are famous in their time and totally forgotten nowadays :

  • Girl wild.
  • The codicil.
  • Hand iron.
  • Girl beggar.
  • Jean Sbogar.
  • The Maccabees.
  • The Battle of Aboukir
  • Death Kleber
  • La Belle English.


Besuchet, historian of Freemasonry.
Fayolle (Biographie Universelle).
Shows Almanac 1824, obituary.

Other biographical sources:

CAILLET, Serge, Freemasonry Egyptian Memphis-Mizraim , Paris, Ed Dervy, 2003.
Galtier, Michel, Egyptian Masonry, Paris, Editions du Rocher, 1994.

Illustration: Musimac

Monday, January 31, 2011

Zodiac Sign Compatibility Same Birthday

Editorial month of February 2011

February 2011

The first month of the year was shown by the flowering chestnut trees that I remember following the definition given by Wikipedia:
"A chestnut journalism is an article Information Small furnishing a slump, an event devoted to recurring and predictable. Just as the horse chestnut (tree), which invariably, every year produces its fruit, chestnut journalistic reproduces the same subjects with more or less originality. topics "discussed" in a chestnut are often simplistic, sometimes cutesy ".
I would be tempted to bring my personal touch, but I give up, risking my carelessness!

I bet they bloom again in the coming months, the challenges ahead of them surpassing those of others, past and present. What is disturbing is the tenacity with which we draw on ambulances, then they arrived at their fatal destination velocity to burn what one loved it, the frantic hunt for witches regild its image (or restore virginity) and finally, the rush to beatify survivors-winners. Then turn around, again ... This is called a cycle.

Reflections on Moving ... claimed three points lie "elsewhere"!

Testimony and support received, with wishes, for the function "contact me" surpassed for the first time comments (by subtracting the outstanding participation observed about the ticket humor, y-in-a-sick! ). Without having more than gloss because my ego (I have one, as all-the-world , variable-geometry) but it is always welcome feedback, good or not ...

At this point, I'll always be surprised by the indifference of the majority of webmasters (I warned that whenever courier) noticed in the series of the month Kudos, Sites or Blogs . This makes it even more precious the 3 that sent me a note. Let us well: I expect no thanks and do not solicit membership member in return, this is absolutely not the intention, I am just taken aback and very naively to this basic lack of politeness!
Returning to Comments , I was surprised that the biography of Alexandra David-Neel did not rise, then I was forced to close a ticket Mood .. . These mini-biographies, however, meet the interest (barometer Analytics) and even demands. I must admit in this field, not laziness but a slow justified by the enormous research work. We must glean the information, validate, sort, all this takes time and does not prevent errors. Fortunately, some regulars do not hesitate to let me know, as I update whenever I come across a new observation.

Commentaries also provide much information and I hope you make a habit of consulting them, even better, to make your contribution.

To observe the recent creation of a number Blogs in the area of influence of interest. Over the months, but I will come back already, I note the rise in quality (at least in presentation and ergonomics) of newborns. Wish them good road, and especially live, who also noticed a few mothballed or even premature death.

Special Member : Welcoming new members enrolled, Woodman, Roberto Maria, Mirror of Alchemy, the webmaster of The Legend of Hiram , and JB , webmaster of In Search of Truth . I recommend you visit their sites or blogs.
Welcome all five!

Your friend, your brother,
Jacques Courtois

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Brazilian Waxing Before And After Pix

The Rapporteur of the House of Voices tells you the Laurel

Bulletin for the month of January 2011


  • Rose + Cross, past and present.

Interesting documentary about the library of AMORC (the Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rose Croix) :

S ur Historically, the Order of the Rose-Croix appeared in the seventeenth century, but traces its origins to traditional schools Mysteries of the Ancient Egypt. Repository of esoteric knowledge out of the ordinary, the mystical order, long considered a secret society, has continued to the present day and remains active in the world.
Who really are the Rosicrucians? How their cultural and spiritual heritage he has passed down through the centuries? What is the content of their teaching? What is their philosophy? What do they look at the world today? How do they see the future? These are some questions that this documentary seeks to answer.
Directed and produced by Mercury Creation - Length: 18 min
A development and expected that twists the shot at a few ugly ducks. That we will change our daily chestnut that stink news!

Go to the Media

And for those who want to pursue, the indispensable complement: ROSE-CROIX, History & Mysteries , Christian Rebisse

Available at the DRC .


  • It's easy ... But better to give a layer!

illustration 123rf.com

After the roll, fiddling with a brush, while "delicate" :
L u comment on the blog "The Light" (?) Concerning the appointment of a woman, Monique Master Legrand, as provisional administrator of the GNLF (hence scabrous and easy pun, Legrand-Master-Monique ...):
"The worst thing besides that Master Monique Legrand or a Rosicrucian of the primer, that would be more fun for sexism, racketeering and other cookies to the press. "
And voila! (Read my article 19.01) is stronger than anything, should argue to argue. Sexism the Boot? Just know that a quorum of officers is well above any statistics (national assembly, boards etc..). Business as Usual? So compare an annual fee of Primer with any of Freemasonry in general (that is factual, not value judgments, far from it!). When the cookies for the press, for now, these are cookies-in-butter "The Light" !


  • expected Reissue Of Errors and Truth .

The Masonic Publishing responded to numerous requests made by completing his library of works Louis-Claude de Saint-Marti n (9 ° volume with it) with this new edition errors and of Truth. Heading the book, which gives it its originality, a Table of Chapters and internal partitions. Bravo, very useful for the searcher!

-Masonic Publishing online bookstore.


  • After a successful renovation, the Museum of Freemasonry opens a website!

Excellent Supervisor, Pierre Mollier in cha rge archives and library, opened today a well constructed site:

Go to: http:// www.museedelafrancmaconnerie.org/


  • It moves very Romania!

The Masonic Romanian Press Agency issued a press release interesting and important Grand Master of the Grand Lodge National Romanian (founded in 1880 and recognized by the Grand Lodge of France) , Constantine Bartolomeo Săvoiu. We will have the opportunity to come back soon to raise awareness of this Grand Lodge.

Do not forget to watch the video Grand Convention t 2010!
Invitation to browse the site (including "Events") with the French translation of: http://www.masonicnewsagency.org/index.html


  • For Salons de la Rose + Croix, Guylaine Papon-Palaprat.

The work of Gyula (Guylain-Papon-Palaprat) student of fine arts, are exhibited from 13 January to 27 February 2011:

Address: 199 bis, rue Saint-Martin - 75003 Paris
Tel. : 01 44 54 38 54
Hours: Open daily from 10 am to 20 pm, Sundays from 11 am to 18 pm

It is sad that the CIREM . (International Center for Research and Studies Martinists) find pretext in his criticism (that very day) the last book of Arnaud's Estoile (Editions Arqua) Joséphin Péladan and the Rosicrucians, for engage in his usual denigration of AMORC :

"The author poses the question" whether the insider Sar was a real Rosicrucian or if it has acquired his occult only the service of his epic novel and his own glory.. C ' is obviously a non-issue, no one can judge what it is and we must remember that at all times, some insiders choose the noise to better hide. We do not follow the author when he says that "it is currently perpetuating AMORC in the most visible legacy of Péladan. AMORC If, by opportunism, relaunched the Salons of the Rose-Croix that have little to do with the mind wonderfully quixotic (sic) who hosted the Sar [...] Remember that AMORC was created ex nihilo Spencer Lewis unrelated to the current Hermetic Rose Croix. "
all due to the anonymous critic, we observe:

- That, if being" quixotic (sic) "the said fairs, L es Salons de la Rose-Croix the Rue Saint-Martin, perpetuate poetic tradition and artistic Péladan in the arts. is factual, nothing can change!
- That there is no objection to an organization created ex nihilo (they all are) do not perpetuate the tradition of the Rosicrucian XVII th ! All the more curious that in other publications, an author of Cirem once claimed that Rosicrucian -called authentic historical process of a hoax ... It is therefore the least acabracadabrantesque to oppose a creation ex nihilo (Centennial). Thence to fan the flames by claiming
" we can not find in a traditional continuity with AMORC Rosicrucian Peladan as indeed with all Another common traditional Rosicrucian "
This is a specious judgments or even grotesque smelling obsessive aggressiveness. It is true - but it bothers - that AMORC constantly adapts its teachings to his age, he does not ask its members to practice alchemy and medicine free to "speak all kinds of languages" and become invisible ...


  • Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, seen by an expert.

The video of the lecture given at Marseille by Dominique Clairembault September 19, the Scottish Circle, has just been put online by Baglis-TV.
It unfortunately suffers from some technical shortcomings that should able to correct it.

See it on TV Baglis
The info on the blog Tercentenary Martines Pasqually
Illustration: BaglisTV


  • Award of Excellence, as usual!

Issue 156 (December 2010) of the journal Viewpoints Initiatory (Grand Lodge of France) has just been delivered on the theme Silence, The Secret and the Sacred., Can you share his quest for the absolute? confess begin to run out of vocabulary to praise this series, the library leading up over the semesters.
Note item (Plume outside ", I like!) Eric de Montgolfier: Secret necessity or subterfuge? S year concession, as usual, but honest and sincere as it should.

Summary and detail the journal's website.


  • It is time to remember a sad anniversary!

In a few days, January 12 at exactly 4:53 p.m., a terrible earthquake shook Haiti. We will have the opportunity to come back.

Pending, this week, several television channels interested in the island, oh so attached to France:
- Saturday 8 to 8:40 p.m. on ARTE: Toussaint Louverture, the liberator of Haiti.
- Tuesday 11 to 20 hours 40n always ARTE: Save Haiti!

Nothing on our chains as of 12/01! roots and wings, one of my favorite shows, offers a story on the radiant Guadeloupe ... France 2 reported on the Paris-Dakar 2011, writ! ..

Fondation de France (video)


  • Disappearance upcoming Studies Centre Cathars?

The Cathars Studies Centre René Nelli , once headed by Anne Brenon happily 1982-1998 (not to be confused with the Memorial Society and Studies of Cathars Deodat Roché and his famous journal, Cahiers d'Etudes Cathars ) will soon close its doors and its precious site.

Its President, Annie Lacombe told the newspaper the Independent this Updated:
"We are actually insolvent, We have a substantial debt and we launched a liquidation procedure"
This should be decided by the High Court on January 11!

Source: the I ndependent , edition of 03.01.2011


  • A new blog, but a new blog, The Word Runs!
This is not an indecent pun, but an invitation to discover the fresh, new, of sobriety but also elegance.

Welcome to the new blog and we bet it will be very successful.
I join in the link and I invite you to go on: