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France remains, always, field preferred Mr. Chérif Rahmani Minister to carry out its operations and build its reprehensible
empire of embezzlement.
For years, he has in this country, a group composed of faithful from
- Zaidi LALIOUI and his family: the manager (straw) of companies Mr. Chérif Rahmani Minister is also his eternal partner in any wrongdoing committed in Algeria, France and elsewhere in the world.
- members of the family BENTAHAR which are only cousins, nephews of Zoubida BENTAHAR the wife of Minister Cherif Rahmani
- members of the family Mouheb (Mouhab) which are also associated Mr. Chérif Rahmani Minister in Algeria.
- other associates and nominees such as: BELABED , CHIBANI ,.......
In MOSQUE OF PARIS historic, iconic and tourism, the area reserved for commercial activities (Restaurant, Hammam, Tearoom and craft bazaar ) is well separated from those intended for worship.
In 1995, Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le "the strongman of the regime" by the famous expression of his intimate friend Mrs. Chehrazad CHAOUI , came to get their hands on the shopping of MOSQUE OF PARIS to the detriment of many competing in high caliber. He charged his eternal servant and associated Zaidi LALIOUI to become his manager straw for this thriving business which is a goldmine .
In 1996 a company was created in the name of " Commercial Complex of the Paris Mosque " which became after "SECEM: Stores Operating Company Based in the Mosque" located at 39 rue Geoffroy Saint Hilaire 75005 PARIS and its management is entrusted to Mr. Noureddine LALIOUI nephew Zaidi LALIOUI eternal servant of the Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le.
A 9-year commercial lease at a rent well below market price has been signed between officials of the Paris Mosque and M. Zaidi LALIOUI represented by his brother Mr. Lemnaouer LALIOUI . In
s'appuant on his master M.le Minister Cherif Rahmani , Zaidi LALIOUI imposed, in his own words spoken with pride, the leaders of the Paris Mosque cash payment of part unreported rent. Each month, an official of the Paris Mosque came for the envelope containing the cash.
Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le regularly instructed his son Mahdi RAHMANI recover from the recipe reserved his dad Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le .
This company employs 45 people is a godsend of money, the annual turnover real (which is reported is much lower than the actual) is the order of 07 million euros
(70 billion centimes) and following this fraud Zaidi LALIOUI and some members of his family are condemned by the French courts and ultimately: Judgement affirmed by the Court of Cassation is the Supreme Court in France (see attached document) .
M. Minister Cherif Rahmani , to quote Mr. Zaidi LALIOUI , size still the lion's share in all circumstances and for all businesses, but this company Mosque of Paris (SECEM) occupies a special place in Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le it serves for many:
- launder illicit money from Algeria (bribery, tax evasion
, embezzlement ,.....)
- acquire real estate and hotels France.
- permit certain transfers of money to Switzerland, USA, .....
- serves as a cover for many illegal operations.
In 2004 when the commercial lease has come to terms, officials the Mosque of Paris have considered an upward revision of the rent then a serious difference has arisen and the two parts: Mosque of Paris and M. Zaidi LALIOUI were, for years before the French courts.
Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le who hoped to see a quick end, without intervention from him found himself compelled to act.
He used all his weight and even involves persons of caliber, that Zaidi LALIOUI not hesitate to quote them with pride, so they put pressure on those responsible for the Paris Mosque to resolve the dispute and renew the lease in the most advantageous terms.
The lease was renewed and the success of this operation gave punch to LALIOUI Zaidi and Ms. Chahrazad CHAOUI to boast of their proximity "the strongman of the regime."
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