Saturday, May 2, 2009

Do I Need A Singapore Drivers Licence In Bali

New Contest ...

In case you did not know it yet, the INP has recently published the list (looking for state civil service, ultimately to the local civil service) positions curators put Contest for 2009. You'll find it here .

For archivists, external competition: 6 state positions, including 2 positions Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a post FP territorial.
That seems very little in terms of needs, especially for the FPT has already been no recruitment this year. Finally, for once, other specialties do not really seem better equipped than we are.

Good luck anyway to all those preparing for the contest!

PS: The report of the 2008 was released a few weeks ago as shown here . If you do not want to buy - what we can understand - it is freely available at the center Documentation of inp!


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