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BRC & Root Condor Broota, a joint Algerian-American-owned Sonatrach (51%) and the American oil company Halliburton (49%). In 2006, a major scandal has hit the company that made its chronic One of the entire Algerian and international press following a report by the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) at the request of the President of the Republic.
This report has updated many malpractices and irregularities that, the company has secured major contracts for construction (this company has other areas) such as the headquarters of the Ministry of Energy and Mining Naftech, Military Hospital of Oran, Constantine University Hospital.
Some (the morning of 1 September 2007) to assess these markets more than 18,700 billion centimes (1.893 billion euros) obtained in contravention of the law and with the improper use of subcontracting.
In 2000, BRC won the contract to build 300 housing units for the military hospital of Constantine for $ 188 billion centimes (20 million euros) (El Watan of 02/26/2006, 01/07/2007 Young Africa) and a portion of the sub-contracting had been entrusted, in an opaque and in perfect illegality, a company
Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le .
This company "COOFOR ALGERIA" where M.le Minister Cherif Rahmani is represented by his henchman Rachid Souami partner in this society, to his eternal friend Zaidi LALIOUI represented by his daughter Sofia LALIOUI . The two people are already in the statutes of the company "BRICORAMA ALGERIA" which belongs to Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le (see Part II of this blog and view the documents published for that purpose) .
Again Chérif Rahmani Minister M.le lies at the heart of the scam, theft and embezzlement of state property. This scandal has prompted President Bouteflika to order the dissolution of this corporation. Once the court before the Military Tribunal of Blida indicted former CEO of BRC, Mr. Abdelmoumène OULED Kadour for "endangering state security" .
And contrary to what Mr. Farid Aliat had reported in his article "THE REPORT THAT ACCUSED" (Young Africa 01/07/2007 attached document) stating that COOFOR ALGERIA "is no Algerian law, is not registered in the trade and has no registered office in the country "because the material published here say the opposite:
1 - COOFOR ALGERIA is a limited company incorporated under Algerian law with a capital of 100 000 DA
2 - COOFOR ALGERIA is registered in the Commercial Register of the wilaya of Algiers as a construction company building all trades.
3 - COOFOR ALGERIA a Trade Register No: 04 B 09 65 764 NSA Code: 109 201
4 - ALGERIA COOFOR has a head office: 29 Avenue Benboulaid ALGIERS PORT SAID which is the same that the company
"POLY FINANCE ALGERIA" people belong to Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le represented by his son Mokhtar RAHMANI where it is associated As we noted in Part V of this blog, Mr. Omar MEDERREG
see Part II and V of this blog and view the documents published for that purpose).
5 - COOFOR ALGERIA was used in money transfers abroad and a fictitious address in France which has been assigned is that of Zaidi LALIOUI friend and partner Eternal Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le that gives another proof that this business is that of Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le .
COOFOR ALGERIA of Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le also often treated with "COFFOR EGYPT a subsidiary del'entreprise Switzerland " COFFOR SERVICE SA which M.le Cherif Rahmani Minister and his associate Zaidi LALIOUI are major shareholders
( See Part V of this blog ).
COFFOR EGYPT not as a fictitious company as confirmed DAOU Mr. Mohamed in his article in "El Watan"
of 02/26/2006 (see this outcome document published in part) because it is listed in
" KOMPASS "a major global business directories
(see paper published in this section).
To know the magnitude damage to Algeria and from Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le in this haunting sacandale Algerians, it is advisable to read the details of this case in the great number of daily "El Khabar" of 25 / 07/06 01/09/06 and that, and also see:
- "El Watan" of 02.26.2006, 09.05.2007 and 16.06.2007 of
- "FREEDOM" 31/10/2006
of - "Le Soir d'Algérie" of 21/10/06, of 10/30/2006 and 14/01/2007
- "THE MORNING" electronic newspaper 01/09/07.
Other scandals Minister Cherif Rahmani M.le follow
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